Things to Eliminate in 2017 to Be Your Best!

in Nutrition Wellness

At the start of the New Year millions of Americans will turn their focus to weight loss.  With that, often comes the commitment to eliminate certain foods from their diet.  However, when it comes to good health, it isn’t always all about the food.  Many other habits may be holding you back from achieving your goals…more than just that slice of chocolate cake! Here are several habits to consider eliminating in 2017 to have the healthiest year yet!

  1. Negative Self-Talk:  Too often we “speak to ourselves” in ways we would never speak to our children, spouse, or anyone else.  Women especially find it easy to extend grace to others, but very difficult to be kind to themselves.  Your self-talk can deeply impact your emotional and physical health…not to mention your progress towards your goals.  Positive self-talk is a conscious choice.  You are ENOUGH, you are BEAUTIFUL, and you are CAPABLE!  Start to mindfully give yourself more compliments, acknowledge your strengths, and when you find yourself turning toward negativity…re-route your thoughts to positivity!
  2. Foods You Hate:  As a dietitian, I am passionate about my clients discovering foods they love to eat that will support their wellness goals.  Too often I have people forcing down kale (or another “superfood” they think is the “best choice”) leaving them unhappy and unsatisfied.  This often leads to overindulging in something less healthy later on.  If you are not eating healthful foods that you enjoy, you likely will not meet your health goals.  For a sustainable healthy diet, experiment with other foods to find out what you do love…. you will be healthier for it!
  3. Perfectionism:  Striving to achieve a goal is awesome, striving for perfection is unhealthy.  Giving yourself unrealistic or unattainable goals is detrimental to your mental and  physical health.  The desire for perfectionism can have many different causes.  Often getting to the root cause (especially if it is impacting your life) can be essential to good health. A coach or a therapist can be valuable.  Try to focus your energy on progress and appreciating the journey closer to your goal…vs. perfectionist.
  4. Calorie Counting: As a dietitian, I feel strongly about avoiding this all together!  To often this creates a negative relationship with food.  Research is clear that weight loss is not just calories in and calories out.  It is important to look at food as fuel for the body, mind, and spirit to help equip you to do the things you love.  It needs to be positive.  There are other ways to monitor food intake to help you stay on track with your goals.  One way is balancing the macronutrients in your diet – protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
  5. Mindlessness: Mindful eating and living for some individuals can be the “agent for change” they are looking for.  Be mindful about when, how, and why you are eating.  Bring your thoughts to the present so you can be more productive and focused. Plan meals and snacks in advance and avoiding distractions when eating. Set boundaries around your sleep schedule and time with family and friends.  These are all ways to be more mindful and intentional that will help you be aware of your action and set you up for success.
  6. Stress That is Bringing You Down: Whether you have clinical anxiety or you have been stressing too much in 2016, this can compromise your overall health.  Stress can be a strong contributor to weight gain, digestive problems, physical pain, skin issues, bloating, and more!  Take time to consider what is driving your stress and consider self-care practices such as massage, acupuncture, diffusing essential oils…or team up with a good therapist.
  7. Your #1 Holding You Back:  Most of us can identify key areas, if not our #1,  holding us back from truly unleashing our full potential and achieving our goals.  What is keeping you from being your best self and living life abundantly?  Fear, anxiety, a job that drains your energy, an unhealthy relationship? Let it GO!  Remove yourself from people who don’t support you or encourage you; consider making changes in your job or find a new one; let go of unnecessary obligations that keep you from focusing on your goals.  Find resources and help if you feel helpless to make changes on your own so you can live your full potential!

I believe 2017 can be your YEAR TO SHINE!

Get out there and eliminate the things holding you back.  Give yourself GRACE; be KIND to you and others; BELIEVE you can achieve your goals: expect set-backs; APPRECIATE the journey….and most of all DON’T GIVE UP!

Searching for guidance, support, motivation, and inspiration to achieve optimal health…I would love to hear from you!

Need a jump start…it’s not too late to join my 10-Day Guided Detox that kicks off on January 21st!

Let’s make 2017 Amazing!  Julie

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