Is a Food Sensitivity Making You Miserable? Find out how one client reclaimed her health AND love for cooking!

Food Sensitivities

Do you struggle with gut issues, acne, psoriasis, brain fog, or migraines?

 Have you been told you have leaky gut or IBS?

Food sensitivity testing may be something you should consider!  Helping clients get to the ROOT cause of their symptoms and health struggle is my passion.  This is just one test that I often use to get to the core of the issue…literally!

As you may know, the gut is truly the “gateway to good health”.  This is because approximately 80% of the immune system is in the gut… which is the largest area of contact with the environment.  When the integrity of our gut begins to break down due to poor health, nutritional imbalances, stress, illness, etc., the lining of our gut can become compromised.  When this happens it may activate the inflammatory response in your body in response to certain foods.  The purpose of the testing is to show which foods and/or environmental triggers are creating a chronic inflammatory response.

Acute inflammation is critical and helpful short-term for the defense of infection or injury.  However, with a food sensitivity… the immune system perceives food in the same way it perceived something that is harmful which results in chronic inflammation. By unknowingly eating foods on a regular basis that your body is reacting to, you set off this immune response. The body is reeved up- ready for a fight!  It is chronically activated, never giving the body a break. When this occurs white blood cells can release harmful chemicals and generate damaging free radicals (inflammatory agents) as they encounter  foods and chemicals that they are perceiving as “foreign invaders”.

It is often impossible to determine what food is causing a reaction, since reactions that work on the innate immune system can be delayed for several hours, even as much as a few days.  For example, you may have bloating, irritability, rash, or fatigue in the afternoon but may be reacting to something you ate at breakfast or for dinner the night before!

Food Sensitivity vs. Allergy

An allergy is a reaction that triggers the release of antibodies that results in immediate symptom onset. A true food allergy causes an immune response that can affect multiple organs and in some cases be severe or even life threatening. For example, if you have a shellfish allergy, you will know immediately after you eat shellfish!  Food sensitivity symptoms are delayed and are typically limited to digestive problems, but they can lead to chronic inflammatory health issues as well.

What Company Is Best for Food Sensitivity Testing?

In my practice I use what I consider one of the most accurate and well respected tests available today.  The Alcat Test is provided by Cell Sciences Systems Limited, Corporation,  a licensed  and  FDA complaint laboratory. The Alcat Test is the only test of its kind to have been awarded 3 patents.

The Alcat Test is an immunobiological blood test to analyze the inflammatory response of white blood cells to foods and environmental factors.  The test uses pure whole food organic extracts and all test substances are manufactured in a strictly controlled production process.  The facility is a registered FDA medical device manufacturer and ISO 13485 certified.

Clinical assessments of the Alcat Test used to guide dietary modification have shown significant improvement in many common symptoms.  The efficacy of the Alcat Test has been documented in more than 30 studies implementing rigorous double blind and often placebo controlled study designs.

References found: and I included some study referenced below!

The Alcat Test is designed to assess sensitivities to over 450 food, chemical and environmental substances. These sensitivities are shown to be associated with both acute and chronic conditions.

Chronic activation of the immune system has been linked to:

  •       IBS/ Bloating / Ulcerative Colitis/ Constipation/ Crohn’s Disease
  •       Fatigue/ Brain Fog
  •       Weight Gain
  •       Migraine/Tension headaches
  •       Eczema/ Psoriasis
  •       Arthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis
  •       Anxiety/Restlessness
  •       Cognitive Impairment
  •       Attention Deficit Disorders
  •       Fibromyalgia/Joint and Muscle Pain
  •       Allergies
  •       And more……

By identifying your particular list of “trigger” foods and avoiding them for 3-6 months can help heal the gut and reduce and/or elminate symptoms.  One of the biggest misconceptions is that ALL food sensitivities have to be avoided forever!  This is NOT the case, nor is this healthy in may cases.  The key is to rest the gut and calm the chronic inflammation response.   This test can provide clarity and freedom to help you know precisely which foods are friendly or unfriendly to your body.  Together we take steps to be creative and find delicious meals and snacks to enjoy… while avoiding these foods for a time.  At the same time we are always working on healing the gut in our efforts to help you reclaim your health and achieve optimal wellness!.


Investigators Berardi L, De Amici M, Castello C, Torre, Giunta, Legoratto, and Vignini studied 48 patients who participated in an elimination diet based on Alcat Test results. They found that the Alcat Test-based diet improved symptoms in 71% of patients. In particular, symptom improvements were most evident in patients with higher symptom scores, dietary changes and everyday conditions. Presented at 30th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

Cellular Responses to Food in Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Investigators Fell PJ, Soulsby S, and Brostoff J conducted a double blind, placebo controlled study on 20 patients which demonstrated that an Alcat Test based elimination diet dramatically improved symptoms of IBS and had a statistically significant correlation between an Alcat score and symptom provocation. Published in Journal of Nutritional Medicine, Volume 2, Number 2, 1991.

For MORE details on the ALCAT Testing – click HERE

Be sure to watch the Video and take a “Tour” through the Lab!

Inspiration… Donna!

NO DOUBT…  it can be overwhelming when you find out you not only have more than one food allergy, but also food sensitivities and intolerances!  Such was the case for one of my clients.  Donna was one of those lovely southern women who always wore a beautiful smile, was ready with a hug, always looked put together, and just embraced LIFE.  However, sitting in my office many years ago, her world was flipped upside down.  Despite the cherry smile, tears took over as she admitted that she had a “love affair” with cooking and eating and felt her life would never be the same.  We worked through meal planning, how to modify recipes, and strategies for eating out.  I only saw Donna a couple times and I always wondered if she had found improvement and full recovery.  (Looking back, I certainly wish I could have delivered the expertise and the more individualized care that I now offer at my own practice!)

Guess what…. Donna reappeared in my life with a friendly phone call not long ago.   I immediately recognized the voice!  She had been looking for me (since I had gone into private practice after we met) and wanted to drop something off!  Well, I found out Donna not only reclaimed amazing health… but also reclaimed her LOVE AFFAIR with cooking…and wrote her own cookbook!  Four years of culinary creations in her kitchen and she released “LICIOUS” – Floribbean Recipes for those with Multiple Food Allergies that Just Love Delicious Food .

This is one women who when….

 “Life handed her Lemons ….so she made Lemon Quinoa!”  

(yes she did! – page 28 of her cookbook and it is delicious!)

For more about Donna, her story…and cook book.  Click HERE


Think Food Sensitivity and/or Environmental Testing may be Right for YOU?

Contact me today and let’s find out if this may help YOU get to the root of your health struggle!

Cheers to Your Health!


ps. I also offer many diverse testing options based on your unique situation and case.

A full listing will be available soon once the new website goes LIVE in July!  


Why a Detox May Be Right For You!

What does the word DETOX mean to you?

If you are thinking about starving yourself, eating only 4 foods, or drinking liquids for a week…that is not the way to healthful detox!  Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about the meaning and proper practice of detox.  Even for me… years ago I thought it was a crazy practice to entice people to drink liquids and drop weight fast (absolutely the worse thing to do for your body!)

Proper methods of detoxing is not about depriving your body of food or nutrients!  It is an opportunity to provide your body with the essential nutrients needed to support your body’s natural detox process to bring you into balance.  It is a chance to introduce your palate to foods that will help your body balance and heal from the inside out!

Approaching a detox in a positive and healthy way can help you to re-establish a baseline and allow your cells and organs to function at their optimum potential. By introducing key foods and nutrients (eliminating others) while focusing on mindfulness, proper rest, movement, and environmental factors, your body will experience a well-balanced and effective detox.

Why is a detox a good idea?

  1. Detoxification is a normal but complex process where the body neutralizes and eliminates toxins through its major organs such as the liver, colon, kidney, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin — your body efficiently does this every day! But our self-cleansing system can get overloaded…even more so today than ever before…by  unhealthy food, lifestyle habits, exposure to environmental toxins, and emotional stress.   Sometimes it needs a break and a little support to function at its best!
  2. Many factors contribute to toxicity in the body….processed foods; alcohol; sugar; outdoor pollution and smog;  harmful chemicals in the home and office, including kitchen and bathroom cleaners, detergents, etc.  Some of us are more efficient than others in the detoxification process.
  3. We may have limited control over the environment that we are exposed to, but we have total control over the food we eat and the products we use on our body and in our homes.
  4. Even if your diet is good, a cleanse or detox can restore and boost your immune system…as well as protect against environmental toxins that pave the way for disease-bearing bacteria and viruses and increase risk of chronic disease.

A detox program may be right for you if you experience:

  • Low energy, and fatigue
  • Cravings for sugar, salt, and processed carbs
  • Bloating, gas, and indigestion
  • Skin problems like acne, rashes, or eczema
  • Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Depression, moodiness, irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Weakened immunity

OR if you are ready to reset and refresh your system to experience greater health, vitality,and energy!  (especially after overindulging during holidays!) 

What are the benefits?

  • Rest the organs and eliminate stored waste (you may even lose weight!)
  • Improve vitality and energy levels
  • Enhance and improve digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Clearer skin and complexion
  • Greater productivity and calmer mind and spirit
  • Enhance mental clarity
  • Improve immune function
  • Greater sense of well-being
  • Lower risk of disease and illness

When is a good time for a detox?

 It can be different for each person but change of seasons, around the new moon, or after a time of overindulging (the NEW YEAR is a perfect time).

Stay tuned for my upcoming online detox programs!

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